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Card Layout
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Η and has the following changes
Battle General
Consolidated all variants of Mindy glops ability into one definition of checking for non-contact moves
Added AI to all moves that create a terrain for 5/8 turns
Added Anti-cyclone ability, the first ability that can remove the effects of a terrain, though only Electric Terrain will be removed. Mega Android family has this ability.
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Tilesets and Autotiles can now depend on the current active season
Gave new Dex Entries for Android and Androplus, and all Pokémon with "unreleased" kind are now given new ones
Added a new version of Discord Family as well as Mega Evolutions to Android Family and Copilot (The latter has alternate forms)
Bag and Items
Added new mega stones for Mega Evolving Android, Androplus and Copilot
No changes were done
No changes were done
Users can download the update here.
Θα φέρει τα εξής:
Μια Canary έκδοση του Discord, Ντέλια Discord (Delia Discord) και Ντέλια Discplus (Delia Discplus)
Μέγα εκδόσεις σε Android, Androplus και Copilot
Στην περίπτωση του Copilot, θα υπάρχουν 5 καλύμματα ή αλλιώς 5 διαφορετικές μορφές. Περισσότερα αναμένονται κατά τις επόμενες ημέρες ανάπτυξης.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Ζ and has the following changes
Battle General
Bug fixes
Tweaked Dark Mode on Storage System
Files and Graphics
Merged Diving and Fishsurf sprites for the player with the Surfing and Fishing sprites respectvely (Although Metadata Updated Accordingly, you can still provide such sprites if needed). Unlike Essentials 17, fishsurf sprites are distinct from regular fish sprites.
To maximize compatibility, the surfing and diving sprites are no longer modelled after Wailmer and use the default Essentials (And by extension Gen3) appearance for first time since 2020 where Lunick and Renko became the cast before being reverted back to Renko and Maribel in 23H2. The wailmer sprites are still, however available as alternative variants that will be able to be used should the user enables an option in Personalization Settings.
You can add Star and Diamond Markings in addition to Circle, Triangle, Square and Heart ones to Pokémon. Those markings are now graphics (That differ slightly in color between Summary and Storage screens) and adapt to current active theme
Bag and Items
No changes were done
Changed how surfing sprites appear, that matches Essentials 17+. Diving sprites are now once again distinct from the surfing ones.
Map Factory has been upgraded to Essentials 17 version
Trainers in Museum Mission Maps now use Pokémon with varying effort values set
Renamed some script sections
Redone much of the summary screen code to match Essentials 17. Code is based upon the ones used in Qora Qore for years (Modified Essentials 16 Code) but has many cues introduced in Essentials 17 meaning lower compatibility with past code. Despite this, none of the Essentials 17 additions to Summary Screens (Minus the Item icon next to the item name in the bottom left corner and the color-coded PP values in Moves Screen which were already implemented in the past)
Redesigned the UI for marking Pokémon in the Storage System
Trainer Pokémon can now have its EVs set. In addition, IVs and EVs can now be set individually per stat.
Introduced the new trainers.txt format found in Essentials 18+. It is like Essentials 18 but lacks the LoseText property. In addition, much of the compiler and editor code related to Individual Trainer compiling/editor is based upon Essentials 18 but has some changes to make it compatible with the existing variable names (Mostly differing from the previous Essentials 16 Code but the Trainer Types Compiling is still in the same code as before). In advance of this change, CSV parsing code is now the same as Essentials 18 (With writing being slightly altered) and the existing trainers.txt file now uses that format. The old ones will be kept for backwards compatibility with 24H2 until that version is no longer the current LTSC version
Enabled UTF8 support by default, without having the user to change any system settings. This applies to Windows 10 1903 and above while still maintaining support for Windows 10 1507-1809
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to 25H1 Ι3Ε and has the following changes
Battle General
Added move animation to Blizzardous Cloak
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Removed white parts from the Sunbird Sprites. In December 2024, this will carry over to 24H2
Altered Ghost Gang's sprites. Battler Sprites (With the exception of Funky, Spunky and Orson) are better consistent with Funky and Spunky's sprites whereas Minisprites now use colors mostly sourced from Pac-Man and Pac-Man Plus games (However, the lighter blue color is swapped for white, Blinky, Inky, Clyde, Pinky and Spunky weren't affected in color at all and Orson uses a toned-down variation of the previously used color) and are now facing rightwards (Minus Spunky where it still has closed eyes and Blinky and Funky where they were already facing rightwards from the Day 1 of their minisprite debut).
No changes were done
Bag and Items
Updated Q.Qore logo on Qora Qore Master item without any notable changes.
Events with "Reflection" name will now opt-in into refelections (The player always has one as in Essentials 17+)
When map shading is disabled, reflections on bridges now appear as solid blue color
Made major changes to RPG::Sprite and Game_Charater classes (Including almost everything that uses these) including adding Sprite_Reflections addition from Essentials 17+. This means that 2D map rendering should be similar to Essentials 17+ (And by extension similar to the 3D map rendering from the dreamy Esmeralda)
Users can download the update here.
Το QQC με μεγάλη χαρά ανακοινώνει πώς το RPG Generations, 5 χρόνια μετά την εξασφάλιση των δικαιωμάτων γίνεται και επίσημα μέλος της οικογένιας QQC μετά το Qora Qore (Το οποίο εξαγοράστηκε από εμάς το 2018) και το Evelution (Το οποίο διαδέχτηκε το Mpisto War το οποίο δουλεύει ως το Qora Qore Web λίγό πριν εμφανιστεί το Evelution).
Μετά την επιτυχεία του RPG Generation 2019 (VX & VX Ace) και 2022 (VX), ήρθε η ώρα να ενσωματωθεί και σε αυτό το Wiki (Γιατί πια είναι μέλος του Qora Qore). Σε λίγους μήνες, το RPG Generations 2025 (VX Ace) θα αρχίσει την ανάπτυξή του.
Υπενθυμίζουμε πως νέο RPG Generations βγένει 3 χρόνια μετά την κυκλοφορία του προηγούμενου και το καθένα έχει 12 γενιές.
Με εκτίμηση, A Techno Services
Το λογότυπο του Qora Qore Insider Preview θα είναι αυτό
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Δ and has the following changes
Battle General
No changes were done
Added Dark Mode support to Voltorb Flip
Implemented a new Pokémon Scarlet screen border that uses a Pixel font
Files and Graphics
Replaced the titlescreen music again
No changes were done
Bag and Items
Updated Q.Qore logo on Qora Qore Master item without any notable changes.
No changes were done
Added a new full screen size that takes the whole screen and the regular full screen size now scales to integer values only
When the Windows OS Version can't be found from Registry, the game will consider the OS as capable of running the it and won't launch with an unsupported OS screen that closes the game once dismissed
Users can download the update here.
Είμαστε Wiki με δύο γλώσσες. Μεν πάμε με ελληνικά σε διάφορα λήμματα, οι ανακοινώσεις και λίγα πράγματα στα λήμματα έρχονται στα Αγγλικά. Αν είμασταν αγγκλικό Wiki, τότε θα είχαμε τα Αγγλικά σε διάφορα λήμματα και τα Ισπανικά σε ανακοινώσεις και ορισμένα πράγματα στα λήμματα
Το Kanal WIki εστιάζει μόνον στα ελληνικά.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Γ and has the following changes
Battle General
No changes were done
Removed all special accents (Minus Channel-Aware) and redone the Accent-Aware screen borders
Files and Graphics
Changed graphics of some Generation IX Pokémon
No changes were done
Bag and Items
No changes were done
No changes were done
Increased maximum money the player can hold to $9.999.999, as per Generation VI+ games (Minus Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl). Save files with $999.999 money can now earn additional money, up to $9.999.999. The set money debug option has been tweaked to account the "MAXMONEY" option in settings section
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Β and has the following changes
Battle General
No changes were done
Added dark mode support to TypeQuiz Minigame (Interface Version), updated it to latest styling (With new colors taken from Move Reminder screen and in 5:3 aspect ratio) and now works as expected without any issues and has additional modes (Including a Hard Mode of the Original Concept). This marks the second minigame after Triple Triad ones to have theme-awareness
Files and Graphics
No changes were done
Added a new Indeedee Remote Box, to be ported to old releases in advance
Bag and Items
No changes were done
Bot Boneyard path is no longer misspelled as Bot Boyend
Removed all references to $TEST variable as it had no effect itself when launching a debugged game with an RGSS2 executable
Debug Mode can no longer be disabled while playtesting the game
MysteryGiftMaster.txt is now modified when editing or deleting a Mystery Gift through "Manage Mystery Gifts" debug option
Adjusted the mining minigame to return true or false depending whether all items were found or not. This will be used in the equivalent Challenge Mode Quest
Added a Challenge Mode, which can be unlocked by finishing the Elite Four in its Nightmare Team. It contains tasks the user should complete for rewards. One task is given per day and once finished under its strict requirements in the first try, a Vicious Candy is given.
Added "nocardgainloss" rule to triple triad which causes cards to be not rewarded or being lost upon finishing a triple triad game
Removed the unused TurboButton section as all of the code was commented out and higher framerates weren't guaranteed to work as expected
F and Tab buttons can now be the F5 button on P1 controls
Trainer Card now shows up the current Challenge Mode rank in the top right corner of the player's character sprite area. Also, the Qora Qore emblem used in 2021 has been replaced with the Pokéball
Adjusted Text in About Screen to make room for the newly introduced information.
Changed text font in Splash screen
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι3Α and has the following changes
Battle General
Abolised Gen-5 battle mechanics to focus solely on Gen-9 ones
Made Serene Grace ability and Rainbown produced using Fire and Water Pledges cumulative
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Replaced the titlescreen music
No changes were done
Bag and Items
No changes were done
No changes were done
Alt Forms with no name are no longer being shown in the Pokédex
Made SpriteResizer honor Window Titlebar metrics so as to properly shown when metrics are edited
Reference Manual option in titlescreen now instructs the user how to open view the included Data Information files
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Ω and has the following changes
Battle General
The years implemented Ring environment is fully working and is used for Questrial Castle
Fixed Hospitality always activating after the end of turn. This will be ported to 24H1 as well
Bug fixes
Added dark mode support to the Pokédex Selection screen, updated it to latest styling (With headers and in 5:3 aspect ratio) and now shows more Pokédexes without scrolling with some code being changed as well
Translucent text color now adapts automatically to the base text color changes
Files and Graphics
Updated Dev Home's Sprites
Updated Qora Qore's logo used in game files
Made empty party panels be slightly translucent
Bug fixes to certain Pokémon like Sourworm, Feneblex and Wikimedia
Implemented partial TM and TD support to newer Qoroqore Pokémon as well as Intel, Delia Intel and Resalazz
Bag and Items
No changes were done
Tweaked the understairs maps that connect Magohany Town with the upcoming Saxora
Changed encounter sets of certain places
Replaced Decoy Kanto with Saxora (Work which would be done originally in Ι3Α)
The carven that you battle Larry in its hardest Legendary Pokémon team and has Mewtwo to catch once you get Genesect and Arceus, now renamed to Arbeitsbuch Carven is no longer sealed after nothing can be done in terms of interacting with something
SBC can no longer be found using Super Rod, with Delia Shell being found otherwise
Swapped exits in Xenuora Zwei-Episodio XR Intermission Path as Episodio XR succeeds after Xenuora Zwei
Non-water parts on Sanuora Sechs can no longer be explored in the underwater variant, matching Glitch Cave and tweaked Sanuora Sechs and Sieben maps slightly to the top to accommodate the change.
Fixed MapSize metadata for certain Sannioura Maps
All Elite four members specialize in 2 types. The Nightmare difficulty of Elite Four battle (Found in Bot Boyend once the user sees Manphy) has been greatly buffed by having Plus Pokémon in all Elite Four Members and Liquorice Larry (When fought for the second time in the day onwards at this difficulty)
You can no longer get the same TM more than once and more of the existing TMs can be found. Two new TMs have been added. TM97 teaches Thunderclap while TM98 teaches Psychic Noise and both are obtainable.
Added all Editors the former External Editor had into the game
Added Pokédexes for all Regions accessible in Q.Qore that have regional maps (All but Shinoh) and replaced the Region 0 (Official Kanto) dex with the Let's Go ones.
Users can download the update here.
Σε λίγες ημέρες το λογότυπο του Qora Qore θα αλλάξει. Σήμερα άλλαξε του PokéQore. Το λογότυπο του Qora Qore είναι προς το παρόν έτσι:
Αλλά σε λίγες ημέρες θα είναι έτσι:
Θα έχει 3 εκδόσεις (3Δ στα αριστερά, 2Δ στο κέντρο και Περιγραμματική στα δεξιά) και υπάρχουν καλές πρακτικές για ποια έκδοση θα χρησιμοποιηθεί:
Στο παιχνίδι και σε 3Δ περιπτώσεις, η 3Δ πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί
Στα εικονίδεια, στα λογότυπα ιστοσελίδων και σε επίπεδα περιεχόμενα, η 2Δ πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί
Στα εικονίδια μέσων κοινωνικής δικτύωσης και σε μονόχρωμα περιεχόμενα, η Περιγραμματική πρέπει να χρησιμοποιηθεί
Και ως bonus, το νέο μας λογότυπο για την Κοινότητα PokéQore:
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to 24H2 Ι2Ψ and has the following changes
Battle General
Implemented Several new moves, items and abilities
Replaced all uses of pure black in scripts and many graphics (0,0,0) with a new ones (12,12,12). Similar goes to white (248,248,248) with a slightly darker ones (242,242,242). Pure Black is now reserved for screen transitions, print logos and the Internal Channel coloring. A similar change, only appliable to Intro Screens was introduced back in 23H2 but this change is now copied to all of Qora Qore.
Introduced GLOURK 6 which has minor changes. Bottom border is still pure black
Files and Graphics
In Keyboard Naming Screen, as everything is done using actual instead of mapped keys (Like the "B" key), "B" and "A" key references in header has been replaced with Backspace and Enter respectively
Heartbrand is now able to use Harden, a move that will be known by its upcoming baby form and Lava Corn is now an evolution move
Added all Qoroqore Story II Pokémon data
Bag and Items
Added Musical Note, an item that boosts the power of sound moves when held
Added Several new items to Billing Area canishers
Switched font to Power from Didact Gothic
When renaming variables containing a name for a rival trainer, the naming screen will be opened to rename the variable, for consistency with rival naming in the intro screen. Its trainer character will be seen as well, next to the name it was inputed.
Increased width of listboxes when choosing a new move, ability or Pokémon to fit more content without having a stretched font
Expanded the old Power Green fonts under the Qortex Essentials fonts. Those will be improved and ported to old releases somewhere (22H2 LTSC and 24H1 Stable)
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Χ and has the following changes
Battle General
No changes were done
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Trimmed some BGM files so as to start faster
Changed splash screen graphics to match the style used on Qortex Series games such as Qortex A24 and Qortex W5, the latter is still tentative and unreleased
No changes were done
Bag and Items
No changes were done
No changes were done
Implemented channel sub-variants, which alter the splash screen used
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Υ and has the following changes
Battle General
Made battle command menu's cursor to start on the option used in the last turn.
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Recolored type icons
Added Sprites for Bloodmoon Ursaluna
Added several new moves to Delia Nova, in process of foreshadowing Qoroqore Story II further
Bag and Items
No changes were done
You can no longer save your progress in Minigame Maps
Added an optional autosaving feature which saves the game between certain map transfers
Redesigned Save UI to be more similar to Title Screen. A confirmation dialog about saving the progress still appears, however
Made save and load sounds configurable in Database
Added a bold font weight
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Υ and has the following changes
Battle General
Implemented several move animations
Running from battles can only be done as the first action you choose in a round, as per Essentials 18+ (i.e. Double Battles)
Redesigned Databoxes and Player's databox in single battle now shows once again an EXP bar which is now a graphic
Fixed Right arrow being orange instead of yellow in Yellow Accent Color
Files and Graphics
Refreshed Shading on all battle button graphics (Minus Fight Buttons as they were done in Ι2Τ)
Turned HP bars in Battle, Party and Summary Screens graphics (Same as Essentials 17+)
Refreshed Title Screen Sound used in Load/New Game Screen which is now set through the Database. As a result, the splash screen will no longer play any music, matching the upcoming dreamy Pokémon Esmeralda
No changes were done
Bag and Items
No changes were done
Added Qora Qore's Basement, in where Pecharunt is catchable
Rewrote certain code of Party Screen, which might result in increased performance
Cleaned up various unused code on Party Screen, and removed all variables that control party screen values to make it more similar to Essentials 17+
Text on Party Screen buttons has been decapitalized
Added a quick swap mode on Party Screen, which can be activated by pressing the "A" button which is set by default to Z, SHIFT and Middle Mouse Button. This is the same as in Essentials 17+
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Τ and has the following changes
Battle General
Blueghost can no longer enter into any battle facility as it is only capable of using Curse and nothing else
Power and Accuracy for moves without set PP is now shown in battle
Per-Background Message box styling, first added in 21H1 has been tweaked, with the files being named "MessageA", "MessageB" and "MessageC", hosted on the same subfolder of each battleback containg the "BG" file(s) being removed. The "overalay_command", "overlay_fight" and "overlay_message" graphics found in Graphics/UI/Battle are now translucent and a new helper "overlay_background" sprite has been added which in reality changes color depending on the middle color of the background and respects the night/evening version as well, if it exists. Manual color selection is no longer possible at this time though a setting that changes the way message box color is chosen might be added.
No changes were done
Files and Graphics
Tweaked Nickelodeon Spites
Added Minisprites for Sinistcha and Ogerpon forms and tweaked Ogerpon's Icon
Added a Duraludon Remote Box
Made Wikibooks and Wikipedia learn Nature Power if evolved from a male Google Play Store and 1MobileMarket respectively. This move will be learned alongside Pin Missile and Circle Throw respectively if evolved at Level 18 and can still be learned by Levelup at Level 14 but no longer at Level 15. This will match the upcoming Unbooks and Uncyclopedia thought they will have different evolution moves that are distinct between the two.
Added the reminder of Qoroqore Story forms
Bag and Items
White Flags can now be bought from Link Battle Marketplace, ported to Ι2Σ as well
Renamed the exterior of Navel Rock to Fusion Path
Drapped Colored Text on Move Names to improve accessibility (Although colors were adjusted between Light and Dark modes, it wasn't an excellent improvement). This only affects the Summary and Move Relearner screens as a slightly different algorithm will be done for the text color on command boxes
Users can download the update here.
This is an update to Qortex Essentials Beta that updates the underlying engine to Ι2Σ and has the following changes
Battle General
Added all abilities and moves introduced in Indigo Disk along with their effects
Hyperscare Fury, Revival Blessing and Tera Starstorm can no longer be sketched
Renamed Retro and Retro II Screen Borders to Original and Retro respectively
Added 5 new colored screen borders and revised one screen border template (Still shadowless as shadow is optional)
Renamed System Theme to Game Theme and added new options. It no longer lists all options at once as it can cause issues
Files and Graphics
Tweaked Nickelodeon Spites
Added Minisprites for Sinistcha and Ogerpon forms and tweaked Ogerpon's Icon
Added all Pokémon from the Indigo Disk expansion of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.
Bag and Items
Added White and Black Flags
No changes were done
Made certain option values in Settings screen translatable
Users can download the update here.